Fakta om Bergslagsleden
Bergslagsleden är en 28 mil lång vandringsled genom hela Örebro län. Den är uppdelad i…
De flesta vattenkranar är stängda under perioden 1/11 - 15/4. Detta på grund av risken för att ledningar fryser. Men naturens vattenförråd är välfyllda under den perioden.
The trail passes along the edge of the Kindla Nature Reserve, an area completely devoid of roads or paths, giving you a true wilderness experience, and where bears, wolves, and lynxes are frequently sighted. You can climb the viewing tower at Kindlahöjden or Mackarsberg for an incredible view of the sprawling forests of Bergslagen. Visit Stuttjärn, a farm of cultural and historical importance located at the top of a moraine slope. In the miners’ village of Nyberget you can spend the night at a hostel or in one of the shelters located beside Lake Dammsjön. At Lake Rasbacktjärn, which borders on the Kindla Nature Reserve, there is a resting place with a wind shelter, fireplace and toilet. There are also wind shelters inside the Nature Reserve that are looked after by the County Administrative Board.
Length: 21 km
Time: 7 h
Difficulty level: 3
Activities: Swimming, canoeing, fishing
Surface: Forest path and forest road
Altitude: 165 m above sea level
Fresh water: After the steep climb up from Myggsjön you will find Ungdomens spring at the roadside where the trail turns off. Fresh and good water but we cannot guarantee the quality of water in cold springs. You will have to make your own assessment and filter or boil the water if necessary.
Fresh water is available next to the facility in Nyberget.
The stage has no bus connection but it is possible to order local traffic to Stjärnfors from Kopparberg and from Storå to Nyberget.
Johan Karlström
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