
Svartå - Ramundeboda, Bergslagsleden etapp 14 och Munkastigen etapp 3


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 22.0 km
  • Aika 5 h 30 min
  • Vaikeuksia Sininen - keskikokoinen


Tällä hetkellä

Most water taps are closed during the period 1/11 - 15/4. This is because of the risk of pipes freezing. However, nature's water reserves are well stocked during that period.


The old mill at Svartå gives you a sense of what a mill settlement could have looked like in the past. The trail passes a mining area with several shafts and spoil heaps. Beavers thrive in the small watercourses in the area. Something you must make a point of seeing are the magnificent shingle fields at Ekåsabränningen and the perfectly preserved Rankemossen marshlands. The marshlands are one of the few totally unspoilt marshlands in Närke and extend as far as the eye can see. During the spring you can even experience the call of the black grouse. At Ramundeboda you can explore the ruins of the monastery of the Hospital Order of St Anthony. The Bäckelid resting place is located beside a meandering stream and an ice-cold spring. There is a wind shelter, fireplace and toilet, as well as an old charcoal-burning hut.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit
  • Pilgrimsled Pilgrimsled


Fresh water: In Svartå there is water, shower and toilet at the start. There is a water tap on the red house adjacent to Ramundeboda, by the parking lot. Connected during the café season 1/5-31/8. There is also a cold source at the rest area Bäckelid.


Brännebackens gård

Parish cottage Ramundeboda


You can get to Svartå by bus from Karlskoga or Laxå on weekdays. There is also local traffic from Mullhyttan or Degerfors. From Ramundeboda there is a daily bus to Laxå. From Laxå, you can choose between taking a bus or train to your next destination.


Ota yhteyttä


Johan Karlström

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