Borghamn Strand
- Kunta: Östergötlands län
- 6721.36 km päässä sinusta
At the foot of Omberg, right by the waters of Lake Vättern, lies Borghamn Strand, which offers pilgrim deals for those with a pilgrim pass.
The facility offers a café, restaurant, and accommodation.
There are 32 rooms and 86 beds, along with a fantastic camping site and dormitory accommodation.
32 rooms and 85 beds are spread across four large houses, two small cottages, and a small house by the water.
Borghamn Strand also has a "logement" with 14 beds distributed in two beautiful rooms with tiled stoves, as well as a family room with 6 beds, a small kitchenette, and a sitting area.
Toimintaa ja tilat
- Forn-/kulturminne
- Badplats
- Cafe/Restaurang
- Camping
- Dricksvatten
- Vandrarvänligt boende
- Boende
- Glasskiosk
- Brygga
- Pilgrim's Welcome
- Dusch
- Tältplats
- Toalett
- Wifi
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