Godegårds säteri
- Kunta: Östergötlands län
- 6726.93 km päässä sinusta
The buildings at Godegård were built between 17th and 19th centuries. The manor consists of a main building from 1725 and two wings that were built a little later. In addition, large parts of the mill buildings remain in the form of warehouses, steel furnaces, economic buildings and workers' housing. Experience 250 years of Swedish history in a unique environment and visit the porcelain museum, mill museum and wagon museum. The Porcelain Museum shows Swedish porcelain from the 1750s to the present day. The herb garden is located where it was once placed in the late 17th century.
Toimintaa ja tilat
Located just east of Godegård.
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Hilda-Linn Berglund
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