Göta hotell
- Kunta: Östergötlands län
- 6742.23 km päässä sinusta
Göta Hotel is a Pilgrim's Welcome and has special offers for those with a Pilgrimpass.
Welcome to book your accommodation at Göta Hotel and spend a night with us in cozy Borensberg - just five steps from Göta Canal!
The hotel has 10 double rooms and 2 single rooms. Some rooms have their own shower and toilet, while others have shared facilities in the corridor.
Breakfast is included with your stay.
Booking: +46 141-20 99 00, info@gotahotell.se.
Toimintaa ja tilat
- Cafe/Restaurang
- Dricksvatten
- Vandrarvänligt boende
- Boende
- Pilgrim's Welcome
- Wifi
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