
Borensberg- Motala, Birgittaleden, St. Birgitta Ways


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 19.0 km
  • Vaikeuksia Vihreä - yksinkertainen



The trail largely follows gravel and asphalt roads but also includes nature paths, partially through sheep pastures. You will pass places where Saint Bridget lived with her family. Ekebyborna Church is the church that Bridget, her husband Ulf, and their eight children regularly visited. At Birgitta's Point, there are traces of a medieval castle and a ruin of a stone house where Saint Bridget and her family sometimes stayed. The point offers a peaceful environment, perfect for a break by Lake Boren's shore. Here, you can sit and enjoy nature and perhaps feel Bridget's presence.

During the tour, you will experience the fertile farmland of the Östgöta plain, noble deciduous forests, and marshlands, continuing on boardwalks through a flower-rich calcareous fen in the Sjöbo-Knäppan Nature Reserve. At Ekebyborna's old vicarage, Ulvåsa Castle, and Sjöbo, you reach Lake Boren's shore, where you can take a break with a view of the lake. At Sjöbo, there is a bathing area, grill, and toilet. The trail continues over the Motala stream via the "Slag Bridge" and passes the Göta Canal at Borenshult, which has the steepest lock staircase on the canal. The stage ends in Motala, where you can have coffee, eat, and stay overnight. GRAZING ANIMALS MAY BE PRESENT.


You can choose to make a detour of about 2 km to Ekebyborna Church and reach the Old Vicarage by Lake Boren's shore.

You can choose the 9 km longer route past Ulvåsa Castle and Birgitta's Point.

More information can be found on Östgötaleden's website.

(aug 2024)

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  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit
  • Pilgrimsled Pilgrimsled


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Vadstena Pilgrimscentrum

+46 143 105 71


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