- Kunta: Östergötlands län
- 6727.88 km päässä sinusta
Polun yksityiskohdat
- Pituus 4.9 km
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8 mars 2023 OB! Just nu sker byggnationsarbete på Skinnarängen. Därför har leden fått en ny tillfällig sträckning som du kan se här på vår digitala karta.
"When I hear the clear song of the thrush, when the lark rejoices all day long, high above the fields and hills. Then I cannot remain silent, my God, as long as I exist, for life I thank you!”
Tycklingerundan is an extension of the promenade and follows Tycklingeviken. Along the circuit, hiking signs are posted with thoughtful words that can provide inspiration for your own reflection.
During the walk, you pass the Pilgrimscentrum, Örtagården, Birgitsystrarna's guest home, Klosterhotellet, Vadstena Folkhögskola, Saxtorp and Tycklinge gård. You can walk through the long avenue consisting of both old and newly planted trees and on the way back to Vadstena and the Klosterkyrkan you pass both the Hospital Museum and the Trinity Garden. If you are interested in animals and nature, the hike is a fantastic experience as the beach meadows at Tycklingeviken are buzzing with life.
Toimintaa ja tilat
- Rundslinga
- Kulturstig
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Vadstena Pilgrimscentrum
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