- Kunta: Stockholms län
- 6814.83 km päässä sinusta
The reserve encompasses a small raised pine bog surrounded by mature coniferous forest. Hare's-tail cottongrass and bog bilberry can be found growing on the bog, while bog-rosemary, crowberry and cranberry grow on raised tufts in open areas. The smell of fragrant wild rosemary, growing in meter-high thickets on the bog, fills the air.
The coniferous forest bordering the bog is relatively untouched by forestry. The eastern and western edge of the reserve contains mature forest with a lot of dead wood, which makes it an ideal habitat for unusual and endangered fungi.
Moose, row deer, mountain hare and badgers live in the area. If you're lucky, you may even spot black grouse and fallow deer.
Toimintaa ja tilat
- Luonnonsuojelualue
Skyddat sedan: 1996
Storlek: 15 hektar
Karaktär: barrskog, blandskog och våtmark
Kommun: Nykvarn
Markägare: Sveaskog
Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen
Skyddsform: naturreservat
Övrigt: Natura 2000-område Björnviksmossen SE0110010
The Björkviksmossen nature reserve is a small protected area, located 4 km southwest of the town of Nykvarn. The reserve is easiest to reach by car.
In order to protect the Björkviksmossen nature reserve, please respect the following rules.
Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:
- destroy or damage rock, soil or stone,
- break off branches, fell or in any other manner damage living or dead trees or bushes or damage other vegetation,
- disturb wildlife,
- catch and collect invertebrates,
- bring unleashed dogs,
- camp,
- light fires,
- put up posters, signs or similar,
- operate motorised vehicles.
Ota yhteyttä
Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
Organisaation logotyyppi
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