


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



Welcome to the Bornsjön nature reserve—an expansive and untouched natural area with a rich cultural history, just a stone's throw from the city! Here, you can find everything from vast agricultural fields and pastures to deep forests and lakes. Lake Bornsjön, the reserve's namesake, is located at the centre of the park and provides drinking water to all of Stockholm. South of the lake, at Bergaholm, you'll find several nice trails which lead past a Bronze-Age cairn, as well as Skårbydammen pond, a popular spot for waterfowl. Birdwatchers can enjoy two other interesting birding locales, Dalkarlsäng and Rothugget.

The 18th-century manor house, Sturehov Manor, with its lawned gardens and grounds, sits beautifully along the south shore of Lake Mälaren. The area has lush deciduous forests, with wildflowers in springtime. In the surrounding area, ancient graves, hillforts and runestones testify to a rich cultural history. This reserve is quite simply an ideal day trip for nature and culture lovers alike!

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Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Luonnonsuojelualue Luonnonsuojelualue


Bornsjön har en viktig funktion i Stockholms dricksvattenförsörjning. Om någon skulle hända Mälaren, så att vattenkvaliteten där blir otjänlig, kan dricksvatten istället tas från Bornsjön. För att säkra vattnets kvalitet är sjön med omgivningar ett vattenskyddsområde. Det är till exempel inte tillåtet att bada, fiska, åka båt eller på något sätt förorena vattnet. Läs mer på SVOAs webbplats.


Observera att P-platserna i reservatet har begränsad parkeringstid. Det är viktigt att inte stå för länge, om man inte vill riskera böter.

Under rubriken "Länkar" längre ner på sidan kan du hämta en karta över områdets parkeringar.


By public transit: Take bus 708 from the Hallunda subway station or the Rönninge commuter rail station to the Norsborgsvägen bus stop. From there, walk 3 km to Sturehov Manor. You can also get off at the Salem kyrka bus stop to get to the south-eastern part of the reserve. To visit the western part of the reserve, take bus 751 from Södertälje central to Brunnsäng centrum, then change to bus 750 towards Högantorp and get off at the Ladvik bus stop.

See current information about public transit at: [] (

By car: Take the E4/E20 from Stockholm towards Södertälje and take the exit at Tumba/Alby. Continue towards Södertälje on Gamla Södertäljevägen road to get to the reserve. If you are coming from the south, you can choose the exit towards Salem/Rönninge and turn left under the E4 into the reserve.


In order to protect the Bornsjön nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. destroy or damage permanent natural structures or surfaces by drilling, cutting, blasting, carving, painting or similar,
  2. break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees and bushes, damage the vegetation in general by digging up shrubs, herbaceous plants, grasses, mosses or lichens,
  3. operate motorised vehicles (including snow scooters) outside of designated roads,
  4. deliberately disturb wildlife (e.g. by climbing nesting trees or rock in close proximity to dens, trapping and killing mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians),
  5. camp or park a caravan, motorhome or similar for more than two consecutive nights in the same place (note that this ban is not intended to restrict or complicate HVSS's educational activities; exceptions may be allowed after consultation with the nature conservation manager),
  6. bicycle outside of designated roads, trails and areas,
  7. rock climb with climbing rope, or similar activities,
  8. arrange organised orienteering competitions or training activities, races or similar, without prior consultation with the nature conservation manager (note that large activities with 100+ participants, designated start/finish areas and parking require permission from the County Administrative Board),
  9. conduct organised camp activities without prior consultation with the nature conservation manager,
  10. organise rally competitions or similar without prior consultation with the nature conservation manager,
  11. moor or anchor a boat for more than two consecutive nights in the same place,
  12. put up a sign, message board, placard, poster or similar, with the exception of informational signs used for area management.

Please note that Lake Bornsjön and the surrounding area is a water protection area, which entails that access to the lake is forbidden according to area regulations (by decision of the County Administrative Board, 2006-11-28).

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