
Vandringsstig, Gullunge


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 2.4 km


Tällä hetkellä

Due to a high risk of falling trees, the path is closed until further notice and will not be maintained. Visits to the reserve are at your own risk. Keep an eye out and avoid areas with dead spruces. They can fall suddenly and without warning.

This reserve has suffered from spruce bark beetle infestation. As a result, many spruces have died and will eventually fall. The bark beetles attack living spruces and then leave the trees. So the dead trees do not contain any spruce bark beetles. However, dead trees are important for many other animals, mosses and lichens that live in the forest. Dead trees are therefore left in the reserve for the sake of biodiversity.


The hiking trail in Gullunge is about 2 km and takes you through the reserve's old forests, swamps and hills with exposed bedrock. The beautiful trail is perfect for mushroom and berry picking. The trail is hilly and about halfway around, you can make a detour to a spot where archaeologists discovered the remains of an ancient fort. Read more about the fort at the [Rö Historical Preservation Society website (in Swedish)] (äller/Fornborgen.aspx).

Warning for storm-damaged forests: In this area, trees may have blown down. Downed trees may lie across or hang over paths. Be extra careful in this area. Do not pass under leaning trees and do not climb on piles of fallen trees or among the roots of overturned trees—this can be dangerous. Please notify the County Administrative Board if you see trees lying across or hanging over paths.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit


  • Nära parkering Nära parkering


Protected since: 2008

Size: 38 hectares

Character: coniferous forest, swamp forest

Municipality: Norrtälje

Landowner: private

Administrator: County Administrative Board

Form of protection : nature reserve


** By public transit: ** The nearest bus stop Ticksta is a 2 km walk from the reserve's entrance. To get there, take a bus from Norrtälje or Tekniska högskolan in Stockholm. For current timetables, see [] (

** By car: ** The entrance is off of Gamla Norrtäljevägen road (Route 280) by Rilanda. [See map] (Https:// In the southwestern part of the reserve, there is parking lot with space for 2-3 cars.


In order to protect the Gullunge nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. dig, cut, blast or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. fell or damage living or dead trees and bushes or remove dead wood,
  3. dig up plants or remove mosses or lichens or fungi growing on wood.

It is permitted to pick flowers, berries and edible fungi growing on soil.

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