Kyrksjölötens promenadstigar
- Kunta: Stockholms län
- 6828.07 km päässä sinusta
Polun yksityiskohdat
- Pituus 2.6 km
Around Kyrksjön there is a stroller-friendly walking trail that is partly walked. The trail is about 1.7 km long and runs through tropical-like moist deciduous forest. A paradise for birds and frogs. Down to the lake, the walk goes through dramatic boulder-rich tree groves. The jetty is a nice place to rest and watch all the birds on the lake. In spring, the ground is blue with bluebells and in early summer evenings you can hear the birds singing. The frogs are best studied in the fall and spring. As the trail is partly boardwalked, no special equipment is needed. Dress for the weather and perhaps something to drink and eat.
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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
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