
Promenadslinga, Häverö-Bergby


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 2.7 km


Tällä hetkellä

Reservatet har spridda angrepp av granbarkborre. Det medför att det finns en hel del döda stående granar i skogen och längs stigarna.

Granarna kan falla plötsligt och utan förvarning. Ha uppsikt och undvik att besöka reservatet när det blåser!


This 2.4 km trail leads you through the largest single collection of lady's-slipper orchids found in the Stockholm region. They flower by the thousands here in June and the best place to enjoy them is in the airy open forests south of Lake Lövfjärden.

Even though the forests here are not particularly old, mosses and lichens cover the trees—creating an enchanting atmosphere.

The path can be difficult to follow at times, especially if you visit the area during the fall and winter, but small signposts in the form of arrows will help you find your way. The path is sometimes rocky and steep.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit


Skyddat sedan: 1983

Storlek: 137 hektar

Naturtyp: blandskog, sjö, våtmark

Kommun: Norrtälje

Ägare: staten

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen

Skyddsform: naturreservat

Övrigt: Natura 2000-område Bergbofjärden-Häverö Prästäng SE0110078


By car: Drive north from Älmsta to Bergby. From there, follow the signs to the reserve.

By public transit: Häverö-Bergby is difficult to reach by public transit. The closest bus stop is Bergby handel, located about 5 km from the reserve.

For current information on public transit, see


In order to protect the Häverö-Bergby nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. drill, cut, blast, carve, dig, paint or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. fell or damage living or dead trees and bushes,
  3. damage vegetation by digging up or by picking plants or by removing mosses, lichens or fungi living on wood,
  4. camp for more than two consecutive nights in the same place,
  5. park a motorhome, caravan or other camping vehicle,
  6. put up signs, posters or similar or make inscriptions.

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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm

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