- Kunta: Stockholms län
- 6839.89 km päässä sinusta
Tällä hetkellä
The County Administrative Board advises visitors not to enter the nature reserve. Dead spruces can fall suddenly and without warning. Due to the risk of accidents, the path is closed until further notice and will not be maintained.
This reserve has suffered extensive infestation by the spruce bark beetle. As a result, many spruce trees have died and will eventually fall. The bark beetles attack living spruces and then leave the trees. So the dead trees do not contain any spruce bark beetles. However, dead trees are important for many other animals, mosses and lichens that live in the forest. Dead trees are therefore left in the reserve for the sake of biodiversity.
In the coniferous forests of Råda nature reserve, the forest floor is rich in flowering vegetation. The limestone-rich soils here have given rise to a special composition of plants like common hepatica, unspotted lungwort and herb Paris, as well as a variety of orchids. The most distinctive of these is the lady's-slipper orchid, which blooms around midsummer in the western parts of the reserve.
These limestone soils also create ideal conditions for uncommon fungi like the delicious yellow foot mushroom, as well as many endangered fungi species.
The nature reserve includes retired agricultural fields that were once grazed by livestock. These are now overgrown but you can see traces of old hay meadows and arable fields in the southern and western parts of the reserve. A small meadow beside the parking lot is specially managed for the conservation of an extremely rare wingless beetle.
Toimintaa ja tilat
Protected since : 1975, extended in 2011
Size : 58.3 hectares
Character : coniferous forest, mixed forest
Municipality : Norrtälje
Landowner: Sveaskog AB
Manager : County Administrative Board
Form of protection : nature reserve
Other : Natura 2000 area Råda SE0110104
The Råda nature reserve is located 17 km north-east of Norrtälje and can be reached by car via Södra rådavägen road from the village of Södra Råda. There is a parking lot in the south-west corner of the reserve.
In addition to the rules and restrictions from laws and other statutes, it is forbidden for the public to:
- drill, dig, cut or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
- break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees and bushes or dig up plants and fungi,
- camp for more than two consecutive nights,
- make a fire.
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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
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