- Kunta: Stockholms län
- 6841.97 km päässä sinusta
The Vattmoraberget nature reserve consists of forest that has been left untouched for a long time, which has benefited the biodiversity in the area. The old coniferous forests have plenty of dead wood where rare lichens, mosses and fungi grow.
There is a large swamp between Vattmoraberget mountain and Lake Alkärret. The rare lichen, tree lungwort, can be found on the aspens in the western part of the reserve. Keep an eye out for three-toed woodpeckers in the holes in the trees.
There are several well-worn paths within the reserve.
Toimintaa ja tilat
Protected since : 2015
Size : 103 hectares
Character : coniferous forest, mixed forest
Municipality : Norrtälje
Landowner : private
Manager : County Administrative Board
Form of protection : nature reserve
The Vattmoraberget nature reserve is located just south of the town of Länna, about 13 km south-west of Norrtälje city. There is no visitor parking lot.
In order to protect the Vattmoraberget nature reserve, please respect the following rules.
Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:
- drill, cut, blast, carve, dig, paint or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
- fell or damage living or dead trees and bushes or remove dead wood,
- dig up plants, such as shrubs and herbaceous plants, or remove mosses, lichens or fungi growing on wood,
- operate motorised vehicles off road, on both snow-covered and bare ground.
Picking flowers, berries and fungi growing on soil is permitted.
Ota yhteyttä
Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
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