Bastubad vid Vågsjön
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- Kunta: Värmlands län
- 6590.39 km päässä sinusta
Rent a wood heated sauna by lake Vågsjön in Munkfors.
The sauna is located approximately 6 kilometers from the central parts of Munkfors.
A wonderful and quiet place where you can take a sauna, swim in the lake, have a barbecue, go fishing and go sledding in the winter. For those who like hiking there are also hiking trails adjacent to Vågsjön and the sauna area.
Firewood is not included. Room for 6-8 persons.
Bear in mind that there is no access to running water or electricity.
Full day 09 am-8 pm, SEK 500.
Morning 09 am-2 pm, SEK 250.
Afternoon 3 pm-8 pm, SEK 250.
Note! Booking/activity may have to be cancelled at short notice due to road conditions (impassable road) to Vågsjöbastun, for example due to heavy snowfall.
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