Bruksleden, södra delen
- Kunta: Värmlands län
- 6538.94 km päässä sinusta
Polun yksityiskohdat
- Pituus 3.8 km
On Bruksleden, approximately by the border between Sunne and Arvika municipalities, the trail splits in two directions. The sign of the south trail sais "FREDROS 2" (the north one sais "ÖVRE BRUKET 1,5"). The path which joins the snowmobile trail here, continues 300 m through spruce forest to a timber road. You follow it for 1,6 km and end up in central Fredros by the Old Store (Gamla affären).
From Gruvrundan to Fredros this way, it is 3,7 km. Along the way you can see Bruksälven at one point.
From spring 2024 there will be a parking area for 15-20 cars at Treens Camp Ground, which has an access walkway of 1 km to the junction in Fredros (see map).
Toimintaa ja tilat
Ota yhteyttä
Visit Arvika
Arvika Turistbyrå, Storgatan 22
671 31 Arvika
Visit Arvika
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