- Kunta: Västerbottens län
- 6578.81 km päässä sinusta
Spruces around 250 to 300 years old grow here! At higher altitudes, the spruces are covered with lichen and often have broken tops.
In the western part of the reserve there are several swampy areas that are home to lush, tall vascular plants. Tree lungwort grows on the sallows here. Fomitopsis rosea and Heller’s notchwort can be found on the dead trees lying on the ground. These are two rare species that only grow on dead, fallen trees.
Toimintaa ja tilat
- Luonnonsuojelualue
Reservatet ligger ca 13 km sydväst om Fredrika i Åsele kommun. Området täcker toppen på ett berg där höjden över havet varierar mellan 440-500 meter.
Ota yhteyttä
Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten
Organisaation logotyyppi
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