


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



The Balån river meanders beautifully through the forest landscape in Balåliden nature reserve. Balåliden nature reserve is easily accessible, as it is situated adjacent to several forest roads. Imposing forests that are nevertheless easy to walk through can be found on the western side of the Balån river.

The winding course of the river has created plenty of steep sandy banks and small sandy beaches. Alongside the river banks there are large numbers of deciduous trees that are often felled and eaten by the beavers in the area. A multitude of different organisms thrive in the dead wood in these damp environments.

Thriving in moisture

Many of the ravines are rich in nutrients, and there you can find demanding plants such as wild angelica, herb-paris and northern red currant. Many different lichens thrive on the trees in these damp environments, including the rare angel’s hair.

There are currently no bridges over the Balån river within the boundaries of the nature reserve.

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Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Luonnonsuojelualue Luonnonsuojelualue


Balåliden ligger ca 5 km söder om Bjurholm. Balålidens naturreservat är lättillgängligt så tillvida att det ligger i anslutning till flera skogsbilvägar. Särskilt västra sidan av Balån utgörs av högresta och lättvandrade skogar.

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Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten

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