- Kunta: Västerbottens län
- 6638.55 km päässä sinusta
The spruce forest at Flinktorpet is old, with a large amount of lichen. There are many hanging lichens in particular, the rarest of which is old man's beard. Old man’s beard is reminiscent of tinsel on the Christmas tree, except it is pale greyish-green colour in colour. If left undisturbed, it can form loops several metres long over the spruce branches. Old man’s beard is protected.
Tree lungwort grows on many sallows. Rings of peck marks around spruce trunks show that the three-toed woodpecker is in the area.
Toimintaa ja tilat
- Luonnonsuojelualue
Reservatet ligger omkring 15 km söder om Bjurholms samhälle, på den västra sidan om Öreälvsdalen.
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Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten
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