Vitberget 7 km
- Kunta: Västerbottens län
- 6655.8 km päässä sinusta
Polun yksityiskohdat
- Pituus 7.3 km
Radan tila
1-2 päivää (Valmisteltu 11 mar 22:14)
Tällä hetkellä
Only 3, 7, 10 km tracks open in 2025
The trails that are open as usual in 2025 are Vitberget 3 km, Vitberget 7 km and Vitberget 10 km.
The reason is that we are building a multi-track in the Vitberget area. The track will be 5.7 km long paved track. The course is being built in response to requests from ski associations, which have long sought a safer environment for their athletes during the bare-ground period. Since the new course is being built largely on existing ski trails, some of these will be redrawn during the construction period.
Easy track, classic and skate. Changing rooms and toilets are available in the camping area by the ski stadium. Heating cabin, WC and barbecue area adjacent to Vitberget's electric light track. Difficulty: Hilly Style: Classic and skate Lighting: No Fee: No
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