
Prästeboda, Naturreservat


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Prästeboda is a farm with deep historical roots. A hundred years ago, there were extensive pastures and hay meadows here. The Carlsson brothers, Carl and Anders, managed the farm from 1930 until 1975. They carefully preserved Prästeboda’s cultural values and wanted the farm to be conserved as an old cultural estate. Therefore, they donated the property to the Swedish Alliance Mission, and part of the land was protected as a nature reserve.

Prästeboda was a large farm by Småland standards. This is evident in the style and size of the buildings. The road leading up to the farm is lined with maple trees and stone walls. The main building dates back to the late 1700s, and the farm environment is both old and picturesque.

Within the reserve, you can observe how the landscape has changed over the years. Stone walls, cultivation heaps, ditches, and moss-covered house foundations provide clues about the farm’s history. As grazing and mowing decreased, the pasturelands gradually reverted to growth.

Previously, there was beautiful spruce forest here, but in 2005, the Gudrun storm felled almost all the mature spruce trees in the reserve. The intention is to transform parts of the storm-damaged areas into pastures with deciduous trees. Species like wood anemone (a very rare plant), wood anemone, and bell gentian previously thrived in the pastures but have now declined or disappeared. The hope is that these species will return in greater numbers.

The reserve also contains areas with forest edges, alder swamp forest, and denser sections of deciduous forest with both older trees and dead wood. Due to the varied environments, there is abundant birdlife. Species such as the tawny owl, little owl, lesser spotted woodpecker, sparrowhawk, and redstart thrive here.

In the northern part of the reserve, there is a sandy plateau with a steep slope bordering Lake Storesjön. From the summit, you have a great view.

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