Fakta om Bergslagsleden
Bergslagsleden är en 28 mil lång vandringsled genom hela Örebro län. Den är uppdelad i…
Most water taps are closed during the period 1/11 - 15/4. This is because of the risk of pipes freezing. However, nature's water reserves are well stocked during that period.
The trail passes through the old smelting house area of Pershyttan. Both Lake Dammsjön and Lake Rammsjön offer excellent bathing. The latter requires a detour after passing the mining village of Ramshyttan. You will also find historic remnants from the iron processing era. The trail then follows the canal through the Kvarnbäcken-Lerkesån Nature Reserve, where the protected freshwater pearl mussel can be found. Discover the exciting cave area of Skärmarbodabergen or make a detour up the Amboberget hill. From there you can choose the circular route, which is actually a shortcut to Stage 8. At Kvarndammen in Ramshyttan you will find our resting place with a wind shelter, fireplace and toilet.
Length: 15 km
Time: 4 h
Difficulty level: 2
Activities: Swimming, horseback riding, canoeing, skiing, fishing, cycling
Terrain: Elevation changes - mostly forest path, but also forest road.
Altitude: 150 m above sea level
Fresh water: In Pershyttan there is a toilet with water. In Mogetorp there is access to fresh water outside the hostel. There is also a tap in the village of Ramshyttan with drinking water.
MTB trails Parts of stage 7 between Digerberget and Rökärr are also marked MTB trails. The principal for the MTB trails is Nora municipality.
Ramshyttans hästgård/Horse farm
Vid busshållplats Bergslagsleden, på väg 244 mot Nora, kan du kliva av och gå på leden, etapp 6, som korsar vägen. Du kan även fortsätta på samma buss till Nora. Därifrån kan du beställa Närtrafik eller vandra till Pershyttan, ca. 3 km. Mogetorp på riksväg 50, trafikeras flera gånger dagligen (Örebro – Nora).
Johan Karlström
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