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A rock sticks up in the otherwise rather flat landscape, as if moved there from somewhere else. With its steep terrain, Billebjer is quite unique in the area, and contains pastures, woodlands and an old quarry which is now full of water, all within a small area.
Bildat: 1994
Storlek: 23 hektar
Kommun: Lund
Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen Skåne
Skyddstyp: Naturreservat och Natura 2000
There is a large car park in the north, two smaller ones in the south.
Billebjer is located between Södra Sandby and Dalby. From Dalbyvägen, 1 km north of Dalby, turn to the west (signposted to Billebjer) and continue for about 2 km until you see a car park on your right.
Besöksadress: Brotorget 1, 221 00 Lund. Telefonnummer: 046-359 50 00.
Medborgarcenter Lunds kommun
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