Mountain biking


Mountain biking

0 van 5 sterren — (zie beoordelingen)

Pad details

  • Lengte 21.0 km
  • Moeilijkheidsgraad Rood - veeleisend



This circuit first brings you into the beautiful eastern part of the national park and then crosses right through the park on a demanding, technically hard and beautiful forest path. Back out on the gravel road it leads you by the park´s main entrance, the activity center Ösjönäs and the nature reserve Tutterskulle.

Big parts of the trail are shared with horseback riders, please mind each other!

Stigmansgården trailhead

Stigmansgården is offering accommodation and café. This tour starts on the gravel road, leading you to the southeastern corner of Tivedens national park.


Through the eastern part of the national park this road leads you from south to north. During centuries this was the transportation route for the timber being brought out of the hard accessible forest. In the 17th century a blast furnace was built at lake Vättern and therefore quartz was needed. Quartz was found and blasted out of the granite boulders along this road and was transported to the furnace. Nowadays this road is mainly used by the forests wild animals and some horseback riders. There is a high chance to spot capercailzies in between the pines and blueberry bushes.

Nya stigen

Where the trail turns west into the forest the path gets quite hilly for approximately 1km. Be ready to get off your bike and walk it a bit here and there. Where the path comes back to meet the Bergslagsleden it becomes an easier ride on a nice forest trail until you turn onto an old forest road that leads you out to the main road.

Main entrance

Following this gravel road you will pass by the main entrance of the national park. Feel welcome to stay on for a bit, find information about the region or even go for a little hiking loop. Here you will find toilets and an old water pump to fill up your drinking water. If you want to take a shortcut back to Stigmansgården, you can follow the Owl-signs.

** **Ösjönäs

After the main entrance you follow the beautiful road Kojvägen until you reach Ösjönäs. Ösjönäs offers accommodation and activities such as hiring out mountain bikes, canoes and kayaks as well as horseback riding, a high rope park and more.

Tutterskulle nature reserve

After Ösjönäs you continue on a gravel road, first along the lake Lilla Trehörningen and later south of the lakes Sarvsjön and Blanksjön. Just south of the trail is the nature reserve of Tutterskulle, one of Tivedens most densely populated owl areas. At the highest point of the reserve there is a fantastic view over lake Vättern.

Met het openbaar vervoer

Activiteiten en faciliteiten

  • Mountain biking Mountain biking




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