Wędrówki piesze

Nässjaleden, Unnaryd

Wędrówki piesze

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)

Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku

  • Długość 3.6 km



The Nässja hike is a three-kilometer-long hiking path that winds through varied and magnificent nature. It begins at the farm closest to Nässja Point at the far western end. From there, it passes through pasturelands until the trail reaches the lakeshore, where there is a designated barbecue area. The trail then leads south along the water to Löjerudd, continues east along the southern shore, and then turns north, returning to the parking area. The cultural landscape on the Nässja peninsula is very well-kept and beautiful.

SlaggvarpAnyone following the road south past the westernmost farm will pass a slag heap (slaggvarp) located between the trail and the shore. It appears as an oval mound, 11 meters long, 5–6 meters wide, and about 60 cm high at its tallest point.

What is a Slaggvarp?These slag heaps consisted of small furnaces made of sand, clay, and stones, along with piles (varp) of slag next to the furnaces. A complete slag heap was no larger than 10 × 4 meters in area and 20–30 centimeters high. Before excavation, it looked like a slightly raised loaf. In the center, there were small furnaces made of clay, sand, and stones.

Swimming AreaThe trail by the slag heap continues to a lovely swimming area. In the summer, it's a perfect spot for a dip in the beautiful waters of Lake Unnen.

Canoe Rest AreaJust inside the shore to the northwest, there are wind shelters and a barbecue area for those wishing to camp or grill.

Take the turnoff to Nässja from the road between Unnaryd and Odensjö.The turnoff is about 5 km from Unnaryd. Feel free to walk from the turnoff to Nässja. It's about 3 km to the farthest point, which takes just under an hour at a relaxed pace. A pleasant walk is promised. Of course, you can also reach Nässja by boat via Lake Unnen.

To learn more about what to do, see, and visit in the area, check out Woods of Halland at www.woodsofhalland.se.

Dojazd transportem publicznym

Działania i udogodnienia

  • Wędrówki piesze Wędrówki piesze
  • Archeologiczny Archeologiczny
  • Kulturstig Kulturstig


  • Blisko toalet Blisko toalet

Wskazówki dojazdu

Ta av mot Nässja från vägen mellan Unnaryd och Odensjö. Avtagsvägen är ungefär 5 km från Unnaryd. Promenera gärna från avtagsvägen till Nässja. Det är ungefär 3 km till yttersta udden vilket tar en knapp timme i lugn takt. Behaglig motion utlovas. Till Nässja kan man givetvis också komma sjövägen med båt på Unnen.



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