
Gravfält, Karlslund, Tånnö


0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)



Iron Age grave field. The grave field is 170 x 50–110 metres (NW-SE) and consists of at least 66 ancient remains. These comprise 23 burial mounds, 25 stone circles, 1 triangular stone monument and 7 raised stones. Most of the mounds and stone monuments are covered with peat.

The burial mounds are 5–12 metres in diameter and 0.5–1.3 metres high. Two mounds have a slight trench around the edge, 1 metre wide and 0.1 metres deep. All the burial mounds, except four, have a pit in the centre or up to seven pits.

The stone circles are 4–8 metres in diameter and 0.1–0.5 metres high. The triangular stone monument is 7 metres across (E, SE and WNW corners) and almost 0.2 metres high.

The raised stones, one of which has fallen over, are 0.5–1.7 metres high, 0.2–0.7 metres wide and 0.15– 0.6 metres thick. There are also about 15 stones in the grave field, 0.15–1 metre in size, and 2 flat stone blocks, 1.2–1.3 metres in size and 0.3 metres thick.

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Działania i udogodnienia

  • Kultura Kultura
  • Archeologiczny Archeologiczny

Wskazówki dojazdu

The grave field is located in Tånnö Cultural Heritage Park, Karlslundsvägen road, Tånnö.


Gravfältet är en fornlämning och omfattas av kulturmiljölagen. Kap 2, § 6. Det är förbjudet att utan tillstånd enligt detta kapitel rubba, ta bort, gräva ut, täcka över eller genom bebyggelse, plantering eller på annat sätt ändra eller skada en fornlämning. _Lag (2013:548).



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