
Konstverk Moder jord med Adam och Eva


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Lena Lervik’s art is associated with pictures of the Madonna, mythological mothers, fertility and motherhood. So is this bronze sculpture, located at Finnveden High School.

This is a reinterpretation of the paradise myth that depicts a Sumerian myth in which Adam is created from the rib of a female deity. Here, the primordial mother holds Adam and Eve in battle readiness around her breasts. The eternal battle between the sexes is upon them.

Lena Lervik usually works in traditional materials such as terracotta and bronze, but in the 1990s she made a number of female sculptures from grass and peat. She studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Geneva, completed the sculpture programme at Konstfack (University of Arts, Crafts and Design) and studied sculpture and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts, both in Stockholm. Purchased by the Municipality of Värnamo in 1986.

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Moder Jord med Adam och Eva står mitt emellan T-huset och Bygg på Finnvedens gymnasium i Värnamo.



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