Movänta fvof
- Województwo: Jönköpings län
- 6780.55 km od Ciebie
Försjön lies in an area of great natural beauty about one kilometre north of the community of Hult east of Eksjö. The lake is a Natura 2000 area with high nature values.
Försjön is a deep and nutrient-poor, spring-fed lake in the upper sections of the Emån watershed. It has relatively good perch and pike fishing. Försjön's bottom structure is diverse, with great variations in depth and bottom characteristics. At its deepest it is 25.5 m, and it has an average depth of 7.8 m. The beaches are mostly sand and stone. Vegetation consists of sparse reeds and isoetids.
Działania i udogodnienia
- Fiskevårdsområde
- Abborre
- Ål
- Bergsimpa
- Björkna
- Gädda
- Lake
- Mört
- Sarv
- Siklöja
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