Jazda na rowerze

I Ironmans hjulspår

Jazda na rowerze

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)

Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku

  • Długość 202.6 km



Do you dream of running through the finish line at a boiling Stortorg in Kalmar and have the opportunity to call yourself a true Ironman? Then you need to get through 142 km on a bike first. Öland accounts for the majority of the race route offered by the Ironman Kalmar bike stage. The steep hills aren't the biggest challenge here, but we like to call ourselves the Island of Sun and Wind for a reason.

Tip: Take a training group with you, book accommodation in one of our fine hotels, holiday villages or guesthouses on the island and spar with each other in preparation for the challenge of a lifetime. Also be sure to stock up on provisions during the ride.

Get here by public transport

Działania i udogodnienia

  • Jazda na rowerze Jazda na rowerze


Terrain: Exclusively asphalt, mostly on road.

Information: What is Ironman? Ironman is a triathlon race in which athletes have to swim 3086m, cycle 18.2 miles and run a marathon of 42km in less than 16 hours.

Cycling on the Öland Bridge is prohibited. Please note that the majority of the route is on a busy road which can be very busy.

Signs: The loop has no specific signage. Plan your trip in advance or download the GPX file below.

Season: This round can be experienced all year round.

Dowoload the GPX file here.


Exclusively asphalt, mostly on road.

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