Kanotrastplats Örnafälla
Pole namiotowe
- Województwo: Kronobergs län
- 6764.75 km od Ciebie
At all campsites there is basic equipment, which means there is a barbecue area, coffee table, dustbins and some form of toilet. There is also access to firewood that you can saw yourself.
You can find information about places and payment here:
There are around 30 campsites along the Lagaleden. They are marked with signs depicting a canoe and a tent. At all campsites there is basic equipment, which means there is a barbecue area, coffee table, dustbins and some form of toilet. There is also access to firewood that you can saw yourself. and on many an overnight shelter.
If you want to spend the night at one of the campsites, you pay a fee via iFiske.se. The price for an overnight stay is SEK 40/person over the age of 12.
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