Notteryd runt
Wędrówki piesze
- Województwo: Kronobergs län
- 6811.73 km od Ciebie
Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku
- Długość 7.5 km
- Trudność Czerwony - wymagający
The Notteryd nature reserve seems so distant from Växjö, even though it's only a few kilometres away. Follow the blue-marked hiking trail, Notteryd Runt, and you’ll feel transported back to some ancient forest. The thick pine stands are accompanied by abundant bilberries. From the flat stones along Lake Toftasjön, you can listen for the black-throated diver. The mysterious ancient castle of Gripeberg broods over the top of a steep cliff. At the parking area for the nature reserve, there is also a beautiful flowery meadow. Black woodpeckers, pygmy owls and titmice thrive in the nature reserve. Admire the old stone walls of the ancient castle and enjoy the amazing view. Pack a lunch bag and go on an excursion.
Działania i udogodnienia
- Wędrówki piesze
- Bieganie szlakami
- Blisko parkingu
Rather technical trail
In some parts hilly terrain
Stor grusparkering i södra entrén till Notteryds naturreservat. Vägvisningsskylt visar vägen till reservatsparkeringen.
Wskazówki dojazdu
Från Växjö, följ vägen från Fylleryd mot Vikensved. Vägskyltning till reservatsparkering.
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