Promenadslinga i Hohult
- Województwo: Kronobergs län
- 6849.24 km od Ciebie
Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku
- Długość 4.0 km
- Czas 1 godz
- Trudność Zielony - prosty
This is a promenade that mostly goes on gravel roads. It’s a perfect walk if you want to see more of the village of Hohult’s meadows and buildings. But remember to always respect the people that lives in the area and stay on the road. At the bridge, north of the village, is there a road barrier.
A good place to start this walk is where Växjövägen crosses Alsterån. Walk the round counterclockwise and use the app to see linked places and learn more about the landscape and how it was farmed.
Działania i udogodnienia
- Promenad
- Rundslinga
Hohult’s village is classed as a national interest because of its high cultural values.
Observe that there is no markings for this walk so use the app.
Parkering finns där Växjövägen möter Storgatan. Alternativt vid Hasselbacken. Gå sedan de cirka 500 meterna Växjövägen och anslut till rundan där.
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