Fakta om Bergslagsleden
Bergslagsleden är en 28 mil lång vandringsled genom hela Örebro län. Den är uppdelad i…
Wędrówki piesze
Most water taps are closed during the period 1/11 - 15/4. This is because of the risk of pipes freezing. However, nature's water reserves are well stocked during that period.
This stage offers a real wilderness experience with unspoilt forests and rare species of flora and fauna. Large parts of Sixtorp are now a nature reserve. A mosaic of pastureland, hayfields, and the remains of field clearance cairns extends across the slopes leading down to Lake Multen. You can also take a dip in Lake Multen. Don't miss the Limsten limestone mines, which can be reached via a one-kilometre path. Lake Tunntappen is said to behave in exactly the way the Swedish name suggests: without warning the lake can suddenly be emptied of all its water – just like draining a barrel. The resting place is at Södra Holmsjön and has a wind shelter, fireplace and toilet.
Vid Sixtorps friluftsgård finns en utekran vid en av de mindre stugorna, ganska nära vindskydden. I Svartå finns vatten, dusch och toalett.
You can order local traffic from Mullhyttan to Sixtorp and Svartå. Bus services run to Svartå on weekdays.
Johan Karlström
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