Entré till Råssnäsbadet och Råssnäs friluftsområde
- Województwo: Östergötlands län
- 6728.6 km od Ciebie
At Råssnäsudden's outdoor area, there are walking areas, swimming, marina, exercise track and green areas for boules, warp and football. Association activities thrive in the area. Everything from bingo walks and boules to triathlon and sailing is conducted here. Råssnäsudden is a well-visited area by the people of Motala. You come here for peaceful walks or a little more demanding jogging rounds.
On the headland there are old pines and oaks that have been affected by the wind from Lake Vättern. In the weathered shoreline below Korpen's clubhouse on the northwest side of the headland, beautifully colored sedimentary rocks are exposed. Here is matt black Silurian clay slate in layers of red-colored and gray-green limestone.
There is an accessible toilet at the parking lot and the walking path around the cape is very easy.
Działania i udogodnienia
Strefa odpoczynku
Blisko parkingu
Blisko toalet
Dostęp dla wózków inwalidzkich
Wskazówki dojazdu
Turn off towards Råssnäs from Agneshögsgatan. Then follow Råssnäsvägen and Biskopsvägen out to the headland.
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Hilda-Linn Berglund
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