Pilgrim Trail

Gränna - Stava, Franciskusleden, S:t Birgitta Ways

Pilgrim Trail

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)

Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku

  • Długość 15.5 km
  • Trudność Zielony - prosty



The St. Birgitta Ways converge here with both the Franciskusleden and the Biosfärsleden. A days walk with no less than five nature reserves near the trail. From the road you can see Braehus, which is one of Sweden's most famous landmarks. (For those who want to make a detour to Brahehus, it takes 1 hour on a somewhat difficult trail.)

Girabäcken is a fantastic treasure along the trail. A nice stream ravine full of spring onions in the summer. You can also take a detour down to Lake Vättern and the rocky beach that lies there. Good swimming opportunity.

You can find more information on Franciskusleden or Jönköping municipality nature map

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Działania i udogodnienia

  • Wędrówki piesze Wędrówki piesze
  • Pilgrim Trail Pilgrim Trail




Har du frågor kring leddragningar eller intressepunkter på St. Birgitta Ways kartguide. Kontakta då Emanuel Eriksson på Pilgrimscentrum

Adres e-mail

Vadstena Pilgrimscentrum

+46 143 105 71


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