Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa

Fågeltorn/plattform, Tullgarn

Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)



From the bird observation tower in Tullgarn, you have a complete view of Häggnäsviken bay and the surrounding beach meadows. Geese, waders and seabirds rest here. Northern lapwings and redshanks are a common sight, as are greylag geese and a variety of duck species. This is also a classic resting place for smews.

The observation deck is wheelchair-accessible via a gently sloping ramp. The roads through the manor park are gravel or consist of short-cut grass.

Below the observation deck is a picnic table—a perfect place to eat lunch or simply take a rest. There is also a bench on the deck itself.

Dojazd transportem publicznym

Działania i udogodnienia

  • Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa
  • Sittbänk Sittbänk
  • Bänkbord Bänkbord
  • Utsiktsplats Utsiktsplats


  • Dostęp dla wózków inwalidzkich Dostęp dla wózków inwalidzkich


Protected since: 1984

Size: 892 hectares of which land 841 hectares

Character: agricultural landscape meadow - cultural landscape, mixed forest

Municipality: Södertälje

Landowner: the state

Administrator: County Administrative Board

Form of protection : nature reserve

Other : Natura 2000 area Tullgarn, east SE0110003

Wskazówki dojazdu


In order to protect the Tullgarn nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. destroy or damage permanent natural structures or surfaces by drilling, cutting, blasting, carving, painting or similar,
  2. operate motorised vehicles outside of designated roads,
  3. disturb wildlife (e.g. by climbing nesting trees, being in close proximity to burrows, trapping or killing mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians),
  4. bring dogs, cats or other pets that are not on a leash,
  5. make a fire anywhere outside of designated sites,
  6. park a motorhome or caravan,
  7. ride horses outside of designated roads and areas,
  8. set up marked trails or orienteering controls,
  9. moor or anchor a boat for more than two consecutive nights in the same place.

Within the inner zone (the original nature reserve), camping is also prohibited. Within the outer zone (the original nature conservation area), it is also forbidden to put up a sign, message board, poster, poster or similar.

[Read the reserve regulations in full on the County Administrative Board's website (in Swedish)] (https://www.lansstyrelsen.se/stockholm/besoksmal/naturreservat/tullgarn.html)


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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm


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