
Vagnhärad runt


0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)

Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku

  • Długość 5.5 km
  • Trudność Niebieski - średni



Hiking is exciting, relaxing and good for your health!

Walking at a fast pace reduces the risk of suffering from a variety of diseases such as obesity, depression, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. By using your body, letting your heart work and exercising your muscles you simply get better equipped for a healthy life.

The walk is marked with small signs, but the easiest way is to take a map in your hand and go out on the wellness walk. On the map there are also shortcuts marked for those who prefer to walk on the footpaths than go out into the forest. The distance is about 5.5 kilometers long. After each kilometer there is a marker. You can start and stop wherever you want. Using the markers you can easily figure out how far you've gone.

There is much to discover and the walk takes you through a varied natural environment with lots to discover. Why not stop by the creek with flowing water and lush greenery. There is a seating area and illuminated walkways. If you are lucky you can see trout jumping in the water in the autumn. Further upstream towards Mölna, the trees form a curtain over the river which gives it a rainforest feeling. Vagnhärad is the most ancient district in Sörmland with ancient remains from many different periods of time. From Fagerhult to the west to the Lånestaheden in the east where there is a burial ground from the stone, bronze and iron age, as well as dwellings and forests. To the north, the hiking trail goes through the Lånestahedens nature reserve, an unusual natural gem in the heart of Vagnhärad, with a landscape remeniscent of Öland. The limestone bedrock encourages many rare plants to thrive here, among other things the unusual small pasque flower. There are varied open pastures and shady hazelnut bush areas. Perhaps time to take a break, sit down on one of the picnic tables and enjoy the surroundings?

Dojazd transportem publicznym

Działania i udogodnienia

  • Promenad Promenad
  • Rundslinga Rundslinga


  • Blisko parkingu Blisko parkingu
  • Blisko transportu publicznego Blisko transportu publicznego


Parking is available at Lånestaheden, Husby park and in central Vagnhärad.


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