
Besöksparkering och entré, Vallensjö


0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)



In this area, the removal of risky spruce bark beetle infested spruces around trails and facilities

Since 2018, many spruce trees in this area have been exposed to drought stress, storms and spruce bark beetle. As a result, a lot of trees are at risk of falling over the area's trails.

To prevent damage and blockage of the trails, the County Administrative Board has made the assessment that spruces need to be felled. The felled spruces are left lying next to the trail as dead wood, for the benefit of the forest's biodiversity.

The work is planned to take place mainly during the spring winter of 2022. Until the work has taken place, we appeal to the reserve's visitors to avoid the trail in windy weather.

We also hope for understanding from the reserve's visitors that it can be messy around the trail for a while.


This parking lot has room for three cars. You can take the trail from the parking lot to the nature reserve.

There is a sign by the parking lot which has information about the reserve.

Dojazd transportem publicznym

Działania i udogodnienia

  • Wejście Wejście
  • Informacja Informacja
  • Parking Parking


Protected since: 2006

Size: 16 hectares

Character: forest land

Municipality: Upplands Väsby

Landowner: private

Administrator: County Administrative Board

Form of protection: nature reserve

Other: Natura 2000 area SE0110339 Vallensjö

Wskazówki dojazdu

** By car: ** Take Route 268 and turn south towards Ekeby. Follow the signs to the small parking lot. There is a smaller parking lot at Ekeby, about a 500 m walk to the reserve.

** By bus: ** Take bus 539 from Upplands Väsby station and get off at the Fresta kyrka bus stop. It's about 1 km walk to the reserve from there. For more information about current bus lines and timetables, see [Start | SL] (https://sl.se/en)


In order to protect the Vallensjö nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. dig, cut, blast or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees and bushes, or remove dead wood,
  3. dig up plants, such as shrubs, herbaceous vegetation, grasses, mosses or lichens, or remove fungi growing on wood,
  4. bring dogs that are not on a leash,
  5. ride horses,
  6. make a fire,
  7. put up posters, signs or similar, or make inscriptions.

It is permitted to pick flowers, berries and edible fungi growing on soil.


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