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Geijersgården in Ransäter is author Erik Gustaf Geijer's birthplace. Visit Geijersgården for an experience of a bygone era.

This is where he spent his childhood and youth in the late 18th century. Geijersgården, an old mannor house, is the birth home of author Erik Gustaf Geijer. Today a museum and memorial ground of three well known Swedish cultural figures - Erik Gustaf Geijer, Fredrik August Dahlgren and Uno Troili. F.A Dahlgren (1816-1895) who lived on Geijersgården for a period of time is the author of the famous play "Värmlänningarna", which is played in the amphitheater at Ransäters Hembygdsgård every year. Uno Troili (1815-1875) is a well known artist, who is mostly known for his portraits. He was also Erik Gustaf Geijers nephew. There are many well-preserved items here, such as paintings, books and furniture. Visit Geijersgården to learn more about Erik Gustaf Geijer and for an experience of a bygone era.

Between July 6-16, during Geijersgården's Culture Days, you may visit the museum without making an advance reservation and no minimum number of persons.

For information and reservations, please contact Munkfors-Ransäter tourist information, +46(0)563-54 10 81 or tourist@munkfors.se.

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