Wędrówki piesze


Wędrówki piesze

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)

Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku

  • Długość 3.8 km
  • Trudność Niebieski - średni



Hiking path between the lake of Skrattabborrtjärn and the road before the south entrance. A nice hiking trail for those who wants to make a round-tour from the south entrance to Slåttdalsskrevan and onwards to Skrattabborrtjärn and back.

A rather easy trail compared to most hiking trails in the national park. It follows an old route that people used back in the days to get to the summer farm at Skrattabborrtjärn. Those buildings are gone today and there is a cabin for staying overnight.

Dojazd transportem publicznym

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  • Wędrówki piesze Wędrówki piesze


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