Hjälmare kanal området
Teren rekreacyjny
- Województwo: Västmanlands län
- 6728.16 km od Ciebie
Boats, ice cream or lockage. Hiking, swimming or history. No matter what you like, chances are you'll find it at Hjälmare canal.
Today, Hjälmare canal is an attractive destination and is trafficked primarily by leisure boats but also by passenger boats that make regular trips during the summer season. Anyone who travels by boat through the canal from Gravudden by Arbogaån to Notholmen in Hjälmaren passes nine locks on the way, which are still opened by hand today just as they were 400 years ago. A good starting point for exploring the canal is at Hjälmare docka.
The canal offers great opportunities for paddling and the area also has cycling and hiking trails. Cruises with food and entertainment are organized during the summer season. Some tours start from Hjälmare docka, where there is also a cafe open in summer.
Działania i udogodnienia
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Teren rekreacyjny
Rezerwat przyrody
Arboga turistbyrå Tel: 0589-87151 Epost: turistinfo@arboga.se
Adres e-mail
Ulf Johansson
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