47 nature reserves in the Blekinge Archipelago Biosphere Reserve
You’ll find 47 nature reserves in the Blekinge Archipelago Biosphere Reserve, all of which offer…
Nature reserve
A cape with varied flora and fauna, giant trees and the traces of an old quarry.
Much of the area is broadleaf woodland, grazed land and forested rock. Older pastures contain old linden trees which were pollarded for animal feed.
The bedrock is fine-grained gneiss, Blekinge coastal gneiss, which used to be used for cobbles.
There are defensive bunkers along the shoreline from the Per Albin Line, a line of fortifications over 500 kilometres long, dating from the Second World War and named after the Swedish Prime Minister at the time, Per Albin Hansson.
The rules for the nature reserve are shown in the link below, but, for example, you are not allowed to drive a vehicle/ride a horse/cycle, pitch a tent/camp for more than 24 hours or light a fire other than in a designated spot.
Source: Blekinge County Administrative Board
Skyddsår: 2014
Kommun: Ronneby
Karaktär: Lövskogskust, betad ädellövskog, hällmarksskog, strandäng
Areal: 22 hektar
Markägare: Privat
Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen
Skyddsform: Naturreservat och Natura 2000
The nature reserve is about eight kilometres south-south-west of Bräkne-Hoby on the far south of Garnanäsudden.
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