![Guides and rental places for kayak, boat and SUP](https://uploads.naturkartan-cdn.se/d97479d7094f00b85a15177ce372a49d.jpg?width=640&height=480)
Guides and rental places for kayak, boat and SUP
ARK56 different trails can be explored on your own, whether you are paddling, hiking, sailing…
Nytäppet kajak is in the heart of the Blekinge archipelago’s wonderful, easily accessible kayaking waters.
With Nytäppet as the starting point for kayaking, there are plenty of nice tours to experience in the Blekinge archipelago. You can find our kayak rental one mile east of Karlshamn in Matvik, our kayak shed is right by the water in the Hällaryd archipelago. You can rent a kayak and get out in the Blekinge archipelago between beautiful islands such as Östra Bokö, Fölsö, Bockö, Harö, Joggesö and Tärnö and more.
The kayaks are of the sea kayak type, when you hand them over you get a simple overview of how the kayak works and you can borrow a map and waterproof bag if you need. Everything for you to have a pleasant experience.
Get in touch and we’ll help you get started. Kayaking is amazing and will quickly become a lifelong hobby.
Kayak rental
Blekinge Arkipelag Kurpromenaden 4 372 36 Ronneby
Team ARK56
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