Karlskrona, a World Heritage Site
Anchor in Karlskrona, the town that was founded in 1680 when Karl XI decided to…
After 300 years as a sealed-off naval area, in 1993, the island of Stumholmen in the centre of Karlskrona, was transformed to become part of the civilian town. Once used to provision the Swedish navy, the island lives and breathes history.
History lives on among the homes and workplaces on the waterside and the beautiful beach. This is where you will find Karlskrona’s prime tourist attraction, the Naval Museum. The museum is an architectural masterpiece, extending more than 140 metres straight out into the water. The museum also includes the exciting Sloop and Longboat Shed with its boat exhibitions. The old hangers from the pioneering days of flight and the Kungshall bastion are other interesting sights.
Stumholmen is part of the Naval Port of Karlskrona, inscribed on UNESCO’s list of unmissable World Heritage Sites in 1998.
Source: Visit Karlskrona
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