High Energy Outdoorsy Activities


Being outdoors, experiencing nature brings a plethora of health benefits, like stress relief and increased mental wellness. However, being outdoors doesn’t always need to be all peace and quiet! Here we list four exciting outdoor activities. Make sure you stay safe, bringing someone along before you venture out to unknown places!

Midsommargrottan, Hjörnered / The Midsummer Cave

Experience one of Halland’s largest cobblestone caves in Hjörnered! The cave is situated next to an esker created by the melting inland ice. To get to Midsommargrottan, follow the yellow hiking trail in Hjörnered, starting near Vippentorpet. Once you’ve reached the cave, make sure to read the stories about strange happenings said to have happened here! Will you be brave enough to enter the cave after reading the tales?

Snibe stua, Våxtorp / The ginormous cavern

Snibe stua is said to have been the home of the giant Snibe and his wife Kitta. Much later is also said to have housed Freebooters and the Snapphane movement. It can prove a bit tricky to get to Snibe stua, so make sure to follow the well-worn paths leading to the cave! The easiest path is following skåneleden, as it passes the cave. If you’re still unsure, naturkartan.se has a map with the cave is marked.

Flammafallet, Knäred

North of Knäred you’ll find Flammafallet. This waterfall is famous for its gorgeous staircase formation. When Krokån reaches the formation, it flows down the four steps in a mesmerizing manner! The remains of a water mill can be found in the area as well. Flammafallet is beautifully situated in the woodlands of Egernahult. There’s a parking spot only five minutes away.

Hälleforsen, Hallandsåsen

A hidden gem at the top of Hallandsåsen is Hälleforsen, which is an unmarked rapid running down the north side of the ridge. As it happens, Hälleforsen is the highest waterfall in Halland, gushing down in the form of Hällebäcken that later meets Stensån. Learn more about the exact location of the waterfall on naturkartan.se!


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