The rowing boat crossing at Sitojaure is closed until further notice


  • Vy över Sitojaure
    Photo: Håkan Hjort

The rowing boat crossing that previously existed between Sitojaure and Svijnnee is closed until further notice. Just like the previous two years, hikers who need to cross the lake are advised to pre-order a boat ride.

How to pre-order a boat transfer

Hikers who want to cross the lake between Sitojaure and Svijnne has to call and pre-order a boat ride on one of the following phone numbers:

Telephone +46 (0)73-079 96 03

Telephone +46 (0)70-277 66 88

Are you arriving from the south?

Hikers arriving from southern part of the trail needs to call and book their boat transfer no later than when leaving Aktse. There is no mobile coverage at the boat site in Svijnne. Phone numbers as listed above.

For more information on prices, timetables and more see the Sitojaure boat transport web page

Previously, there was a river crossing with rowing boats that hikers themselves rowed across. The boat service system was discontinued in 2021 due to crossing safety becoming an increasing concern. The decision initially applied for two years (2021-2022) but the Norrbotten County Administrative Board has now decided to close down the boat crossing until further notice.


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