Pippelåsarna Nature Reserve
Nature reserve
- County: Örebro län
- 6685.76 km away from you
Pippelåsarna is a so-called leafburn – and old fire field where the forest has been allowed to develop freely after a large forest fire. Coarse aspen, bouquet shaped birch and robust pines characterise this forest in a hilly and rocky landscape with many damp depressions.
During an inventory in 1999 several rare and threatened species were found here, amongst them the cross-marked fungus beetle which is linked with damp, rotten wood. Other species found in Pippelåsarna are callidium coriaceum beetle and white marmorated longhorn, which both lay their eggs under the bark of conifers, rhagium mordax and platycerus caraboides are two beetles whose larvae lives in dead hardwood. If you see something red on a dead aspen stem, it can be inonctus fungus. Fence rail cup lichen is one of many lichens that thrive on dead and dying wood. Heller's Notchwort prefers to grow on dead spruce and pine but also on aspens.
Pippelåsarna belongs to level 1 in the County Board’s classification of the county’s nature reserves, which means that the reserve has a wilderness character and lacks outdoor recreation facilities.
Activities And Facilities
Nature reserve
Municipality: Lax
Formed year: 2008, extended 2020
Area: 144 hectares
Landowner: The Environmental Protection Agency
Reserves: County Council
Management: County Council
The reserve is about 7 km southeast of Finnerödja. From Finnerödja, take the county road 575 against Tived. After 7.8 km. In the middle of a power line, a small forest road to the right towards the Juarbergen Nature Reserve. A small road also goes to the left. The pippe locks are located northeast of road 575 and southeast of the power line street. There is no reserve parking. No leads or service.
In the nature reserve, it is prohibited to:
Remove or damage dead trees or parts of trees
Make fire other than in the specified place
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