
The Uppland Trail, section 14, 19.5 km


3 of 5 stars 3.0 (see reviews)

Trail details

  • Length 19.5 km



From the manor in the idyllic Lövstabruk, this section goes westward, ending by Västland Church. Once you’ve walked a short distance, you’ll come across some old wells, cellars and fruit trees – the remains of the village of Knuters. Along forest paths and across bogs, you’ll reach Ӧverlövsta on the other side of River Strömarån, where logs used to be driven. Then, the trail follows a gravel road across fields and through forests for 2.5 kilometres before you reach rest spot Svenbo (with a wind shelter). You’ll continue on a forest path that eventually leads you to the River Tämnarån’s valley by Västland. Towards the end, you’ll pass the Lake Barsjön, a lovely forest lake surrounded by 200-year-old pines.

Once in Västland, you can take a little detour to a rest spot with a wind shelter, just by River Tämnarån.

Difficulty level: Medium, forest paths, a few kilometres on roads.

Get here by public transport

Activities And Facilities

  • Hiking Hiking


  • Near Public Transport Near Public Transport


Mostly walking along less forest trail.


Bus stop is available at start and finish. You can get by bus between Lövstabruk and Västland. The stop at the start is called Lövstabruk Herrgården. At the end of the stage there is a stop to the Church of Västland.


Leafstabruk is located along road 76, a mile south of Skärplinge. In the northern part of society there is a parking lot in the use of children.

Västland is located along the road between Tierp and Karlholm. From Tierp, follow the signs against Karlholm’s use. After 15 km you will arrive in the West. Parking is at church.


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