Quiet places - a valuable news
Now there are 26 quiet places marked out on the homepage of Nature map Växjö and also tagged in the app. The goal has been…
Quiet places
From the northernmost point of Hissö Island, you can reach the undisturbed island of Musön via a new pedestrian bridge. Just as its name, which means Mouse Island, suggests, this is a very small island. You can walk around it in less than twenty minutes. If you have brought a Swedish fika, you can enjoy nature's tranquility much longer. A perfect trip for forest baths close to lake Helgasjön. A shelter with fireplace is located on the southern part of the island. The trail passes beech, aspen and pine trees. Looking north, you can make out Ekön and Stora Björnön islands. Black-throated divers, ospreys and skylarks are often seen.
Latest sound measurement 2020-05-11: Average values between 32-40 dB (A). A little wave, light breeze in the trees, some boats in the distance. Some tips during the visit: Stay offline - turn off the phone silently and be off when visiting the forest. Value the moment - release all everyday thoughts to be present here and now. Walk slowly - slow in and walk slower than normal on the path out here. Listen - nature is almost never completely silent, and its sound often has a restful effect. Smell and feel - each forest has its own scents, which change with the season and weather. Feel the rough bark or the soft moss.
Quiet locations in an area mean that the experience of desirable sounds strongly outweighs the impact of disturbing noise. In quiet places, at least 80 % of the visitors in an area after the visit should consider that they have experienced a good sound environment lower than 45 dB (A). Here one can be surrounded by nature's own sounds; such as the waves from the lake, a breeze in the foliage or bird song. There are several quiet places around Växjö town that are marked in the nature map. The city sounds are always present, but relatively quiet places are still close by. Wind strength, weather, season and time of day affect how the quiet places are experienced in the moment.
Musön ligger norr om Hissö och ingår i naturreservatet.
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