Cykla ARK56
ARK56 cykelled tar dig längs med slingrande småvägar genom skärgårdslandskapet. Natur och kultur är varierad…
The trail leads down the eastern coast of the Blekinge Archipelago and between the coastal meadows, heaths and farmland of the Torhamnlandet headland and Kristianopel with all its history. The town spent much of its past on the border between Sweden and Denmark and has changed nationality several times. The coastal stretch offers farm shops, small harbours and plenty of wildlife.
The trail is unmarked so it is best followed in the app or on a map available from the companies in the app or the tourist offices in Karlshamn, Ronneby and Karlskrona.
National highway.
Blekinge Arkipelag Kurpromenaden 4 372 36 Ronneby
Team ARK56
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